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Cat and puppies

19 13:38:05

I have a cat that is 17 years old.  She has always been around other dogs and cats, but for the last year and a half, she has been alone due to the passing of my other pets.  Her attitude has completely changed and she's around my family more often and just more social all around.  We are considering a puppy (shih tzu, lahso apso, or maltese yorkie) and I'm concerned if she will be happy to have company again or annoyed that she's not the only one.  We would love the new addition, but don't want her to feel compromised.  Have you had any experience with this?  If so, any advice would be very helpful.  
Thanks so much,


Hello Heather, My best advice is to wait until she has grown her angel wings.  I say this because a puppy can be very trying and annoying even to a younger cat, let alone an older one.  Puppies don't know better and they can't help that their teeth are so sharp.  But a puppy would make her life miserable and that's really not fair at her age.  Also, you really do not know how much longer she has, 3 to 4 years of course you hope, and she deserves all your attention and love. When my cat passed at age 16, I took her to the vet the week prior and was told she had total organ shut down, everything was wearing out in her.  I took her final days off from work to spend with her and keep her as comfortable as possible...I have never for one moment regretted doing that.  I know when all is said and done you will treasure the remaining years with her and be glad she did not have to share them with another pet, especially one that would change her life, maybe not for the better.  I hope this helps, Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)