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older dog peeing - incontinence or bad behavior?

19 10:39:29

we have a 10+ y.o. beagle mix female we adopted about 5 years ago from a rescue league.  In January she was diagnosed with Cushings and diabetes.  The prescribed treatment turned her Adisonian.  Her diabetes is in good control with 2 insulin shots daily and testing her blood 2x daily.  Issue is that in the last 3 months she has started peeing daily in the house.  She never has had accidents in the past.  She is drinking a lot, even with good blood sugar control (under 150).  I wake up about 5 times/night to let her out to pee and she doesn't always wake me up with her paw as she used to.  Every time we leave her (could be 1 hour or 5) she has peed at least once.  We have treated her for a UTI in case that was it but to no avail.  

Do you have any suggestions?  I'm beginning to think this is laziness or acting out but the excessive drinking is confusing.  We need to get a good night's sleep and we can't keep up with all the carpet cleaning.  Please provide some insight if you're able to do so!

Thanks - carolyn

Hi Carolyn-

That sounds like classic incontinence related to diabetes, and her age and other medical problems.

Personally, I would recommend panties, with removable diapers. (usually panty liners). You can find them all over the Internet and even at Petsmart!

Good luck with your little girl!