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Dog pooping on wood deck

19 10:39:28

I have a 8 year old Golden Retriever that has taken to pooping and peeing on our wood deck. For the last few months she would only go poop or pee on the dirt that surrounded our grass. Now she won't even go there. She only goes on the deck. Any ideas why the change in pooping and peeing locations.

It is unusual for an 8 year old to make a behavior change like that.  Like most behavior problem, it never hurts to start with a vet check.  Perhaps she has arthritis and it hurts to get off the deck.  If that doesn't turn up anything, when you expect a bowel movement, take her out on leash.  Walk her around in the area you want her to use until she has a bowel movement.  Then praise her lavishly.  You may be able to retrain her that way.