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Blind/Deaf Puppy

19 11:45:37

Hi, I had recently bought a 8 week old Austrailian Shepherd from a store. They had taken her to the vet, and they told me that she is totally deaf. They NEVER said ANYTHING about her going blind. I had taken her to the vet, because her eyes are bloodshot. They said that we should put her down, because it could be fairly dangerous to us and the dog to keep her. But, I was wondering, do you think I should actually put her down? Or should I give her another shot at living? She's just a few months old, I want to give her life. Or should I wait until she is all the way blind, then put her down? I'm confused, and I have no idea what to do. Thank You :)

Dear Cassandra,

Thank you for writing to me and for caring enough to want to give this precious dog, life.  

I met an 18 month old Aussie girl in January at a dog show. She was bilaterally deaf as well as blind in both eyes. According to her owners she has a great life and is even a certified therapy dog. My observation was that,  she has quality to her life. She is loved by children and helps them by returning that love. Her owners are dedicated to this dog - they have others.

Specialized and committed training is necessary. This dog will need a more responsible owner to keep her safe at home and in public situations. It can be done and the dogs are happy and healthy. There are many sites on the internet dedicated to training and living with deaf and blind dogs.

This of course is your choice to make, if you decide you do not want to raise this dog, Aussie rescue may help you find a home for your dog.

My sense is that she is a gift!  This is an opportunaty to meet the challenge of a handicapped dog and give her a wonderful life.  You must become very educated in dog behavior and how to deal with these challenges in the proper manner so that your dog is never afraid or threatened.  You cannot expect things to go the same way as if she had sight and sound.  Patience will be key..patience and information.

Here are some links to get you started.

You might also want to take her to a vet teaching hospital, such as Cornell, and have her evaluated by a specialist.

Please keep me posted.

Shelley Davis