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Puppy bunny hops all the time

19 9:46:01

Hello. My girlfriends dog had puppies. The first one born is HUGE compared to the other 2. Even now is twice the size, moreso if you count his fluffy hair. Our concern is his little hips. He has to hop to do everything and can't support himself to pee and poo. He is always falling over one way or another. He can't stand for more than 30 seconds without his hips starting to swing and falling into a sitting position. He doesn't seem very alert. The other puppies when you hold them look around and check things out, he just stares at you until he falls asleep. The puppies are 6 weeks old now. Thanks for any advice you may provide.

Hi John,

Thank you for writing to me about your sweet puppy.  I don't know the name of this condition but I do know that your puppy absolutely has to be seen by a vet as soon as possible.  This is a very distressful situation for a newborn.  He must be feeling terrified of what is happening to him.   PLEASE bring this sick puppy to your vet as soon as possible. It is the humane thing to do.

Additionally, please tell your girlfriend that she is urged never to breed again and to spay her dog.  This is likely a genetic mutation and it would be irresponsible and cruel to bring more puppies with this condition into the world.  Additionally, for every puppy born there is one less home for a dog on death row.  We urge people not to breed while dogs are being killed in the millions because there aren't enough homes available.

I hope that your puppy can be helped by the vet. I wish you all the luck in the world.

Shelley Davis