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I have a maltese pup who is...

19 14:24:02

I have a maltese pup who is 13 weeks old and was the runt of the litter.He is not going to be shown however has a brown discharge under both eyes which wont wash off.How serious is this and can i get rid of it.
He is also getting very matted I have tried to brush this out but am finding it difficult do you have any tips,and should i cut his hair?
Lastly, He has been very good at toilet training however every time he comes into the main part of the house he poos on the mat what can i do????

Nicole, He has got to be the cutest!  As for the brown stain, well you might try using a cotton ball soaked with warm water and clean under his eye daily at least 3 times.  If this does no good, the reason some dogs get the brown staining is because the tear ducts are too small or blocked and the tearing overflows.  You might have his tear ducts checked.
As for matting, well you might not be using the right brush and if you are then you might be too gentle and only top coat brushing and not getting all the way down to the source at the skin.  Brush and then follow up with a metal comb.  Find a friendly groomer and ask for a demonstration. I know if you came to me I would gladly show you. They might too.  Some dogs, maltese, have a soft cotton coat and it is way to hard to keep up with. If this is the case for yours and his sanity trim his to a manageable length.  3/4 to 1 inch long.  "A puppy cut"  This is cute not to short nor does it look shaved.

As far as pooing on the mat, it sounds as if this is a new area he isn't in often and he may just be marking.  Discipline him as you have been.  And use natures miracle to make sure the scent is removed completely so as not to encourage him to return to the same spot.  He sounds smart and as soon as you can get him nutured.  That will help with the marking...  Good Luck,  Cindy lou :)