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Whinning Dog

19 10:26:33

Help! I have a rescue dog who is a staff crossed with something else. We have
owned him since he was two years old and he is now around 15 years old. Since
the winter has arrived this year as soon as it gets dark he will not stop
whinning. He has water, been feed and let in the garden. Nothing in the house
has changed at all. Do you know of anyway that we can stop him doing this as it
is driving us all mad, he will just not settle at night time until my mother
takes him to bed at 9pm, any earlier and he continues whinning. His sight is
failing, as you probably expect, could this have something to do with it. Any
ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks


Hi Samantha,

Thank you for writing to me about your Staffie X and his evening whining episodes.

Your pooch must be around 17 years old by now, which for a medium to large breed is quite up in years.  I would say that the time has come to get a full blood panel done so that you can see exactly what his medical ailments might be.  He could be suffering from doggie alzheimers which can cause disorientation and possible whining.  He may be in pain and during the evening hours it worsens.  

Additionally, due to his sight loss, it may be worse in the dim light of evening and his whining may signal fear and confusion.

I would definitely recommend that a vet examine him, do a full blood panel and then depending on the results, determine what the next step would be.  This is a medical issue with psychological overtones to it.

Whatever you've been doing to give this dog such a long life, you've done a great job.  Now it's time to make him as comfortable as possible in his golden years.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis