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The sit command for an Older Dog

19 11:16:59

I have had a number of other dogs that I have given basic training to with no problem. Daisy is a 3YO Dachshund.I am (trying her in our home prior to adopting her) but am not sure if she is going to work. She has anxiety problems she developed with her prior owner. I have had her only 3 days but feel I need to solve this pronto or give her back before we get too attached. I take her for 3 long walks a day with her on a short relaxed leash behind her ears and I can get her to stay at a heeling pace behind me. She does not get to smell the roses til I tell her and then she does her business. She took to that regiment well. Was astonished however that I am unable to get her to assume the sit. She stands at my feet, gives great eye contact but will never sit. You cannot make her put her hindquarters on the ground with food over her nose or by pushing down and under at the same time. She goes balistic, tries to run and yelps.

Do you have any suggestions?

She has other inside issues that I would like to correct but feel that until I can get this solved I do not have

Does she sit on her own at other times? Try giving the command when you see her start to sit on her own. Then praise her, saying 'goood sit,' and give her a treat.

You might also try leashing her, and using the food over the nose method along with gentle backwards pressure on the leash.

You've only had her 3 days. Please don't expect perfection. If she had a difficult time in her previous home, it might take her a while to get used to living the good live with you .