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Adopting a dog

19 9:14:13

I have been thinking about adopting a dog from a rescue centre, i work from homes 5 days per week but every 2 years i travel for roughly 3-6 months. Would it still be ok to bring a dog into my home.

You didn't say if you would take the dog with you when you traveled.  Many people do and there are a lot of pet friendly hotels etc. in the world.  You have to research them.  There are even  books out there on that, however make sure you always call ahead to make sure the policies haven't changed.  If you plan on taking the dog with you, get a tiny dog that can be carried on and put under a plane seat in a carrier.   

If you can't or don't want to take the dog with you, then make sure that you have a friend who the dog is very well acquainted with to take it while you are away.  Make sure you leave the dog with this person for short times before you have to leave it for long periods.  I would not leave the dog in a kennel for 3 to 4 months straight.  It will be confused and not know you are returning, this could cause unwanted personality changes; especially in a dog gotten from a rescue.

If you were considering a Pet sitter, it would have to be a live in.  Your dog could become destructive if not supervised for long periods where anxiety could build up at being alone.

I hope this helps your decision.
PS I love traveling with a dog.