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Great Dane Sleeping Habits

19 11:25:30

Hello. I have an eight month old, male great dane puppy. He is wonderful and has a wonderful temperament as well. I own 3 great dane books but they do not address the issue of sleeping. I was wondering if you could tell me how much he should be sleeping a day, if naps in the a.m. and afternoon are normal and what his sleeping habits will be as an adult as well. He currently sleep around 9 hours each night and every 2 or 3 hours throughout the day for 30 minutes to an hour. Thank you for your help!

Dogs sleep a good deal of the day. Puppies usually a bit more than an adult dog. It sounds to me like he's behaving pretty normally. As long as he's healthy in every other way, vaccinated, eating properly. normal temp.feeling well and looking good, no parasites, I wouldn't worry. Some dogs, like some people, sleep more than others. Have fun with him, they are an AWESOME breed. Remember, they sleep to grow and grow when they sleep :)