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19 11:51:06

Hello Cindy,
    I own an adorable black pomeranian named Joey. He is fantastic but has always had a problem with dandruff. I groom him myself and usually give him a mohawk down his neck and to his tail. With the rest of his body almost shaved, about 1/4 inch long, the dandruff become super obvious. Do you have any suggestions as to how to help him deal with this issue? As far as I know he does not have any allergies but does seem to have dry skin which flakes. He gets regular vet attention and nothing allergy related has been discovered, and I have mentioned it, so I assume it is just a basic irritant like dry skin as humans get. Any ideas would be great. Thanks very much for any help you can give.  

Hello Rachel, If you suspect dry skin, I would add a vitamin supplement to her food. You can purchase this at most pet stores or even your vet. I have also seen dramatic results when adding cod liver oil to their food.  For a small dog you should start off by adding maybe just 1/8 of a teaspoon then increase every few days until you are up to 1/2 teaspoon.  You can purchase the liquid form of cod liver oil in any drug store such as CVS in the vitamin section.  If you add to much to soon he may get the runs.  When you bathe him it would be a good idea to also use a conditioner.  My favorite is by Hansen, Cherry remoisturiser, you can find great products at  Good luck and enjoy your new puppy, Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)