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I need help to determine the length of my pups coat

19 9:19:21

Hello I have a 5 wk Chihuahua. He came from a smooth coat Mom and a long coat dad.... I've done some research and my pup signs are confusing. He only has a few long hairs far and in between under his neck and the are not the same color as his coat. He has no long hairs on the tips of his ear or tail. Also I know long haired pups have a smoother coat? But how smooth is smoother? To me his coat is soft. Thanx for reading and I'd really appreciate if you can help me decide the length of my pups coat. :)

Hello Jessica,
I am sorry, but on a mix, there is no way to tell if he will have long or short hair at his age.  He may have some long and some short since he has both genes.  One thing you can do is research both the mother and father and see if they are full bred long or short coated.  When you do this and find more long coats than short, the chance of him having long hair raises a notch.  You should see a difference in his coat by 4 to 5 months...Take pictures of him each week so you don't drive yourself crazy wondering if he did grow a little or not, the proof will be in the pictures.  I don't know how many times I wished I had done that while I anxiously waited for a certain trait to show  I would drive myself crazy, that is why I'm suggesting you do it.
Well sorry I couldn't be more specific.