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Benadryl Dosage

19 9:33:15

I hava a weiner dog that weighs 14 lbs, i want to give him some benadryl for his itching but all i have is cups with ml, not mg. the benadryl is liquid. can you tell me how much to give him

Hi Wendy,

Thank you for writing to me about your 14 lbs dog itching problem.  To address your question, milligrams are a measure of mass; milliliters are a measure of volume.  An equivalent would be asking "How many pounds are in a gallon?" The best thing to do is contact your vet and ask him how much he advises or call the company (they might have an email address on their website) and ask about the dosage.  You have to use baby benedryl and follow the amount for a young child.

My concern is why is your dog itching?  If you can ask another question about the cause of the itching, I would be glad to address it.  Let me know what kind of food your dog is eating, how often you are vaccinating and what you think is causing the itching problem.

Thank you and good luck.

Shelley Davis