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Metal Bowls

19 9:51:41

My wife thinks that using stainless steel or aluminum bowls for dog food or water is dangerous as is plastic. Her concerns is about long term exposure that would cause cancer. I have not seen anything regarding this issue and would like your thoughts.


Hi Kevin,

Most dogs don't have food in their bowls for very long. Once the food is put down, it's gobbled up pretty quickly. For most dogs using a plastic, metal or ceramic food bowl which is frequently cleaned is just fine.

The same can't be said of a dog's water bowl though. A water bowl should be either stainless steel, glass, or ceramic. Scratches in plastic water bowls can be a breeding ground for bacteria. An exception would be if you were using a bowl made of antimicrobial plastic, because it repels germs and bacteria. Even still, some dogs have skin sensitivities to plastic food bowls. It's possible for a dog's nose and mouth get red, irritated or crusty from a plastic bowl. Dogs with skin sensitivities shouldn't have plastic food or water bowls.

Pet bowls made of glass, ceramic, stoneware, porcelain, and stainless steel, are less porous than plastic, so they harbor less bacteria and are easier to keep clean.

I've never heard of problems using stainless steel or aluminum bowls for dog food or water. On the contrary, stainless steel does not rust or corrode, even with heavy usage. It's dishwasher safe and easy clean, plus dogs aren't able to chew them! I know there are concerns about using aluminum for pots and pans for cooking, and that using anodized aluminum cookware has proven to be safe.

If your wife is uncomfortable using stainless steel, why not just use glass or ceramic food and water bowls for your dog? Be sure to clean them often, and if the glaze on a ceramic bowl becomes "crazed", or cracked over time in the water bowl, replace it.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
