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19 13:33:37

My Akita/chow mix bit me this weekend.We were cooking bacon and while I was waiting to get near the stove he ate it right out of my hand. I laughed about it at first because he had never shown much interest in our food before. I scowlded him and a few minutes later went to use the stove pushing him with my stocking foot. He clamped down on my foot with his hair raised. I have a bruise on the top and bottom of my foot. I read your answer about standing over meaning dominance. He does that to me all the time. He's such a smart dog but now I'm afraid of him and I am considering taking him to the pound.
  Please help me with this difficult descision

If you are afraid of this dog, you should,indeed get rid of him.  I would try Akita rescue first to see if they will take him, but tell them he bit you.  You can also put an ad in the paper since he may be good for a junk yard, etc.  In the mean time go to an army or navy store and get some pepper spray and keep it on you.  If he even stands over you, spray him in the nose.   Be sure you hold the can away from you so you don't get any back on you, it is unpleasant.
This dog will take advantage of you again since he has gotten away with doing so and since he feels he owns you.