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my dog chews everything inside the house

19 9:41:15

hi,i have a 8 mths old dog, she is a mixture of husky samoyan and labrador.she is impossible and chews everything she can sink her tooth on. i buy her chewing toys, bones you name it, but she looses interest and goes for the chairs and other things. is there something that could help me break that circle? many thanks

Hello Janise;
You must give her more "Outside" time!
She is a Large dog with lots of drive..she is bored.
So, set up an exercise area,
And let her hang out with her toys.
Give her a minimum time inside, and with you on a leash to watch and guide her.
So, this way, she cannot escape from her reality..and you have control once again in her household!
She needs to learn she has to "Earn" her way inside!! Pleasant and a treat to come inside!
Best regards,