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19 9:41:15

i have a girl dog she 2 years old  does she have to get nutered to live a long happy life. how much does it cost. will she die if she doesnt have puppys shes been sad latley   . help plz


Hi Brenda,

A female dog gets the most in health benefits if she is spayed before the onset of her first heat cycle (only male dogs get neutered). You can spay a dog at any age though, there would still be health benefits to be gained by spaying your dog now.

The cost of spaying a dog varies by region, so I can't tell you what it might cost for you. No matter where you live there probably is probably a reduced cost spay program. Contact your local animal shelter and ask if they run such a program, or ask where in your area a reduced cost spay program could be found. You also might find a reduced cost spay program here:

No female dog "needs" to have a litter of puppies. I'm not sure what you mean by your dog has been sad lately. Your dog's emotional state is not due to not having puppies. Dogs simply do not think that way.

Best of luck,