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dogs wrecking the house

19 11:44:04

i am at my wits end as when i go out to work, by the time i pop back a couple of hours later to let my dogs out, they have wrecked the dining room. they eat anything thats in their way. today was the worst. i have a five year old staff/lurcher mix and a five yr pointer. both neutered. i have have the lurcher for 3 yrs and pointer for 4yrs. this is now happening regularry. please help. they are fed 150g of james wellbelove compled food, twice a day.

Hello, Crate them when you leave the hosue its simple and easy to do get two large wire open metal type crates that are large enough for them to turn around in without hitting the crate sides and they can fully strech out in also, leave some safe chews with them such as Nyla bones(Durable) and kongs.