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I need help with my 2 year old dog!

19 13:35:55

I have a 2 year old mini pincher that I got when he was about 1 from the shelter. He lived on a boat and then in the shelter before I got him. Ive had him for over a year now and he is still not potty trained. We've moved several times now and it seems to have gotten worse. I live back with my parents and they have our family dog which is a female lab that is 12. My dog is a male, but fixed.It seems everywhere we move a piece of furniture, he has peed on or under it. I watch him when Im home and say good boy when he goes outside. He sleeps inside and doesnt need to go out in the middle of the night, but obviouslt goes quite ofter through out the day. Im confused and need help before my parents do not allow him here and he ruins their house.

Hello, Amy. I think the simplest solution for you would be to get him a crate to stay in when you are not at home, and when you ARE at home and he's loose in the house, use baby gates to keep him confined to the room you're in (so you can keep an eye on him and catch him if he starts to potty on something), or keep him tethered to you on a 6 foot leash until he's no longer trying to potty in the house. Another solution would be to use a 'belly band' to prevent him from being able to pee on things. You will have to remember to take it off him before taking him outside, though, and he may pull it off if he's left unattended. If he's having the accidents when you are away from home, the crate is probably the best solution. You shouldn't have to continue to crate him for the rest of his life, but for a while (at least several months), he should be crated when you cannot watch him, so that he is ONLY allowed to potty outside. When you take him outside, take him on leash and do not let him run around and play before pottying. Make sure he knows that when he goes out, he must potty first and THEN comes playtime and free time. When he finishes going, praise him like he's saved the world, and let him run around and play with him for a little while before you take him back inside. If you catch him starting to potty inside, make a loud nose like "AAhh aah" to startle him, and take him immediately outside. Do not scold him or rub his nose in his mess. Just clean it up.