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Pulling and fears

19 11:46:03

We have Manchester Terrier/Chow Rescue Dog.  We adopted her when she was about 3 months old.  The Rescue people found her in a field wanering around.  My problem is her excessive fear of noises, trucks, MEN, etc.  She also does not like to take long walks.  In all other aspects she is THE PERFECT FRIEND.  Thank you for your help.

Well what you can do is slowly introduce her to loud noises such as clapping and dropping things,keep repeating it over and over until she gets used to it,and when she isn't startled by it,give her a treat and praise her

For her fear of men,have a man you know try to pet pet her and befriend her,and have him offer her a treat when she allows him to pet her,so she knows he won't hurt her

As for not going on long walks,just try to gradually increase the walking distance,even just by a few minutes each week,that way it will help build her up

Something else you might want to look into is obedience school,as that often builds confidence,and some trainers specialize is timid dogs,so call around and talk to different trainers and pick the one you prefer