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Grooming A Poodles Ears

19 14:01:15

Hi Wendy,

I have a toy poodle. He has been groomed since a very early age by many different groomers. I had one groomer that I eally liked. I moved so it would be about an hour travel to continue to go there.

While at my job I became friends with one of my customers who owns her own kennel and grooming business. I started taking my dog to her. She does a good job clipping him but she does not pull the hair ou of his ears. This bothers me but I don't want to risk my friendship with her over it. Since she does not clean the ears out I have to take him to the vet once every 4-6 months to have his ears done. The vet puts him under and pulls the hair out. I am wondering if putting my dog under is dangerous to him or if I should just find another groomer who will pull the hair out while grooming him and risk my friedship with his groomer.

Thanks for your advice.


There are a couple options for you...but to me having the dog put under is not one of them.  That makes me question the vet you are going to. I don't see why a vet would need to put the dog under. Ear pulling is not that hard. Plus this has to be expensive for you.
What I would do is next time your friend is suppose to groom FIFI tell her she been having some ear problems itching or infections and the vet suggested the ear hair gets pulled..simply ask her "is that something you can include in the grooming?" Even offer her an extra couple of bucks. (way cheaper then putting the dog under) If it is something she does not do, you could still go to her for grooming, but stop in at another grooming shop and ask if they could just pull ear hair for you.  I am sure they would for a few bucks. I don't see it risking your friendship if you don't accuse her of any wrong doing.