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schitzu training problems

19 9:48:32

I am in desperate need of some training advice for a 2-3 years old male, neutered schitzu. His history....My sister adopted him from another family so we don't have to much back ground on him and what she was told has come to be untrue.Now my sister has had to move and I am fostering the dog till she gets a place to live with him. She told he was house broke, he is to a certain point, he will let you know sometime that he wants out, other times he wont and will sneek off and pee or poop in the house and will eat most of the poop. I have tried crating him when I leave the house and he will poop in it also and walk all in it. It doesnt matter if he has just gone out and done is business or not he will still go in the house or crate. he doesnt like a crate so I have been working with him in small time frames with me not leaving the house and making it a positive experience. Our other problem is he likes to eat things,underwear mostly, but has been known to chew up and eat his toys too, any thing stuffed. but last night he ate a hole in the blanket on my bed, this I am at a loss on what to do. I am hoping you will be able to give us some advice for this little guy. Thanks in advance for your help. Tannye

Hi Tannye;
I feel really sorry for you. It is a horrible thing to adopt an older dog that has had no "Training"!! Your job is now Twice as Hard, or worse!
The only suggestion, since you are doing what it takes with the Crate, as you will have to keep it to short intervals, is to set up an exercise pen, or run for him,this way he can "Potty" in it, and get the exercise he needs...with his "Right" type of toys in it!
Since he is a bigger size, it would be best to get  him a run...Home Depot is the cheapest with the panels.
This way, when you are not around, he can go in it, and you will not be looking at a big disaster when you return. Also, you will not be worried he is chewing up your home!
This can be set up in a garage as well.
They come in 6 ft by 6 ft panels, and it is so simple to put together by hand!
You can do it if you can lean two together on something...once the two are up, then the rest are able to use the weight of the two.
So, it is very handy!
I can do it by myself...
So, try this, and you will have a great time resting with ease, knowing he is going to be taken care of, and you and your house will thank you!
Best of luck,
I have a new E Book out: "And Puppy makes 3,...." go to our Publishers site:
$5.99, I recommend it for other training, and all you or your sister's needs with the dog!