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unruly behaviour

19 11:00:58

I have a terrier cross named 'Jimmy'.
When we try to take him out on a walk he constantly pulls on the lead so hard that it nearly takes my arm off and he doesn't stop the whole time he is out.  We found an open space where he could run and be safe so we let him off the lead.  He kept running and running and would not respond to any name calling or orders.
What is the best way to tackle this problem.  
I have though if trying to take him out more often on little short walks to get him used to being on the lead but it isn't helping so far and is making taking him out a very stressful activity.
How long will it take to train him to walk nicely and not run off every time he is off the lead?

Hi Rachael
Your boy is not getting enough exercise. Terriers are very high energy dogs and require lots of structured excersize and non structured as well.
Get a halti from a pet store such as Petsmart or Petco and follow the instructions getting your dog used to using it. POWER walk him at least forty five minutes every day at HEEL. Get him involved in an obedience class asap. Type alpha boot camp into your webbrowser and implement their suggestions on establishing and maintaining pack order. From now on, every single time your dog comes to you when you call him, inside, outside or anywhere else, have a treat ready and LOTS of praise. Do you have a fenced yard? Once you have your dog under control he needs to run at least three times a week until his tongue hangs out. Whether it's playing fetch, or on a treadmill. And the walks need ot happen no matter WHAT. That should be an absolute priority.
It's wonderful that you care so much about your boy that you are asking for help. You'll do just fine and so will he