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Adjustment to another dog in the home

19 11:25:55

We rescued a 3 year old Golden Retriever over the summer and have been doing well with him.  We believe he was neglected and/or abused previously, so he is quite clingy and can be very jumpy around new people and animals.  This past week, we adopted another dog, a 3 year old spaniel/sheltie mix (spayed female), and our Golden is acting very jealous.  We've been doing our best to give him food and attention first, and to reinforce his position in the pack, but he hasn't warmed up to the new dog whatsoever.  Do you have any advice as to how to help the two dogs bond or develop a relationship?  How long does this normally take?  Thank you!

This is such a great question! First of all, don't treat him better than the other dog, you are simply reinforcing his idea that he IS probably better and he will continue to resent the new dog. Think of it as your spouse suddenly brings home another spouse. :). It's kinda like that. Walk them together, play with them together, give them lots of affection and attention. Spend some time alone with each dog. Don't let either dog sleep in a higher position than the other. Walk them, walk them walk them. I can't stress that enough. Walking properly is a great way to establish pack order and a dog who understands where he belongs is a secure, comfortable, happy dog. It is an amazing boost to their confidence. Both of these are intelligent active breeds, GEt them involved in an obedience class. Everybody in the family will benefit and have a great time doing so. Your guy will adjust, it's just going to take some time. I wish I could give you a time frame but it's different for every dog, just as it is for people. Since he is a bit insecure and clingy anyway. It may take him a bit longer. In the end however he will benefit from it and enjoy having company. Remember to try to treat them as equally as possible. What a great pair of dogs it sounds like you have. Enjoy!