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Bloody secretion from nipples

19 11:57:06

Hi Becky.  Last week we adopted a 5y/o female boxer who had whelped a large litter(10) sometime in December.  She appears in good health and is well adjusted. She also seems to be in heat. I understand that nursing 10 pups can put some wear and tear on the girls figure, but I thought her teats seemed a bit too out of shape, really saggy and enlarged.  They are not hard or firm and they dont appear raw. I assumed until this evening that the blood spots I had seen throughout this week were all from the apparent heat cycle, but tonight I noticed that she has a bloody secretion from the teats.  It doesn't appear to be a mastitis, so I am wondering if there are any other conditions that might cause this?..Also for lack of a better term her skin seems awful pink all over (she is white so it really stands out).  She also is a horrid snorer so I was wondering if she might have some sort of systemic infection or pathology?  I am trying to reach the former owner to  get her history and find out who the vet is so I can utilize him since he is familiar with her. Im just hoping for some sense of what I might be looking at while I am waiting to get her into the vet.  Thank you so much for your help.

Hello BJ!
You need to take her to a Vet.  Blood coming from her nipples is NOT normal and at the very least is a severe infection.  Please take her as soon as you can!
As far as the "pinkness" of her skin, this is normal with white dogs, and something I wouldn't worry about.  You will need to ask your Vet about the snoring.

God Bless,