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golden retriever puppy urination

19 14:01:40

My puppy used the restroom (pee) on himself in the middle of the night in his sleep two nights in a row. What do you make of this? Is this common? Thanks so much!

Puppies need to go to the bathroom about every 2 hours. It is common for them to urinate on themselves if they are not let outside where they can go. I would suggest feeding/watering your pup around 5:00 in the evening, take the food up after 20 mins, and then take the water up by 6:00 and do not let him have anymore throughout the night (be sure to let him have all the water he wants during the day and feed at least one more time during the day). Then before you put him to bed take him out to the bathroom several times after you have removed the food/water so that he will not have to try and hold it all night long. This is really the only advice I can give since I do not believe that there is anything wrong with you pet and that this is a natural process that can be fixed by more trips outside to potty. Hope this helps and please, feel free to ask anymore questions you may have, I will be glad to help.