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being leapt all over

19 9:14:22

Hi Gary,

I got a new black labrador from the pound 5 days ago. Things are going really well. He occasionally ignores me but mostly sits, comes, has learnt house rules and is gorgeous.
I believe he is 18mnths or 2 yrs old, he s very playful with his toys.

But everynight at 8pm when I sit on the couch he jumps up over me and tries to get at my face and bites my arms (GENTLY) He is not always like this, it just seems to be 8pm on the dot. He loves a pat but can't get enough.

Am not sure what to do?
I don't know whether to play with him or to stop it in it's tracks. If I push him away he becomes more determined. The only way to stop him is to stand up and tell him to sit very firmly and he lays down. However 5 mins later he tries again. What is the best way to train this behavoir? Tonight I gave him a toy which worked though he regularly put it in my lap.

Thank you for any advice ;)

Hi Lara,

You picked the #1 dog. The lab is a great pet and it is the favorite all time dog to own. The only problem with the labs is they will act like a puppy A LOT longer than any other breed.  They will stay in puppy mode for up to  2 years. What you might try is just before 8:00pm give him a nylabone  or a real bone (not on your carpet) and see if that will stop his 8:00 pm playtime. We just need to change his behaviour at that time and he is still plenty young enough for this to happen. This might be the time when his old owner came home from work and played with him.Just stay away from ALL rawhide. It is really hard for them to digest. Try pig ears and bully sticks. they are all natural and i have not found a dog that does not like them. Pig ears are just ...pig ears and bully sticks come in 3 foot or and also come in smaller lengths. They are a part of a bull that well they are the bulls you know what ...But dogs love em. My dog gets a few every week along with a few greenies for his teeth.

You should also shop at a pet/pup shop for his food. Try to stay away from the big box stores if you can. Use a natural food with a meat,fish chicken,venison  or turkey as the first ingredient. I always feed my dog dry food because it is better for him and i add a 1/2 can of wet to add flavor. Canned food does not provide enough dietary needs for our dogs. Dry food is always the best way to go. Canned food as a flavor enhancer only.

GOOD FOR YOU for going to the pound and saving a life. I got a chill typing that. ;-) Its always great when we can save a dogs life and give them new love. I ran pup shops and sold A LOT of dogs i now volunteer at a no kill animal shelter. We keep em until we find a home and  it is 100 times more satisfying for me to adopt out a dog or cat. If you have any follow up to your question please feel free.

Thanks for the great question and enjoy your new buddy.
