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female pup - licking

19 13:41:03

I have a 6-7 month old female lab/retriever mix.  REcently she has been licking her private area and possibly "leaking."  This leaking seems to take place mostly while she is sleeping.  Although it is not a constant problem, I am concerned.  I just lost another dog (4 years old) to kidney problems.  Do you think this is a kidney problem or a female problem?  We are to get her spayed within the next week.

Hi Jona, it sounds like she is coming into heat.  If so, you won't want to get her spayed next week because it is more dangerous to spay her when she is in heat.  She is bleeding and can cause compliactions during the surgery.  I would put off the surgery until you are sure she is out of heat which happens 21 days late.  When they are coming into heat they will have more urinary accidents due to the heat cycle starting, and you can also see the leaking.  Hope this helps,
