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19 11:11:42

On my australian shephard's back, right behind her neck, she has this cyst looking thing. It gives off a foul odor and some discharge also. It's about the size of a small grape, and is pinkish and brownish in color. It doesn't seem to bother her. Should I worry?

Hi April,

The only way to diagnose a cyst, is to have your vet examine your dog.

Not seeing your dog, and not being a doctor, I can tell you that it may be an Epidermal cyst.  

Epidermal cysts are the result of growth of epidermal cells within the dermis. Epidermal cysts are common non-cancerous (benign) sac like cavities filled with a foul-smelling cheesy or doughy material composed with sebum (oily material secreted by sebaceous glands) and epithelial debris. This may dry in the center to form a horn. The cyst may become secondarily infected. Partial hair loss may be seen on the skin overlying the cyst.

Epidermoid cysts grow slowly and usually do not cause symptoms, but they may become inflamed or secondarily infected, resulting in pain and tenderness.

Don't squeeze the cyst to drain it. That can cause intense inflammation. If an epidermoid cyst is infected, it is first drained and tested for bacterial contamination. If drainage fails to resolve the infection, antibiotics are usually started. An anti-Staphylococcal drug is used if cultures and sensitivities cannot be obtained immediately as this is the most common infecting organism.

If this is the kind of cyst your dog has, it's a comfort knowing that it isn't malignant, but it does require your vet to examine it.

Best of luck,