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trimming IGs claws

19 10:42:18

Hi, I have a 4 month old Italian Greyhound who is terrified of having her claws trimmed.  I have tried "guillotine" trimmers, regular trimmers, a dremmel, a nail file and have gotten no where.  We've tried handling her feet, and she doesn't mind that, but when the trimmers come out, she freaks out.  Any suggestions on what to try?

Try holding the clippers and nothing happening. Until she is non reactive to that you can't do anything. Then get her to accept (through treats and repetition)the clippers touching her nails and nothing happening etc. Then put wooden matchsticks between her toes and clip those. And when you hold her paw push it towards her rather than pull it towards you. Mostly, just take your time to desensitize.