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19 9:20:07

My german shephard was born without part of the pad on one of his paws. If we use him for breeding with this problem be passed on to the pups?

Hi Mary,

    Since I'm not a licensed veterinarian, I cannot say for certain if your dog's paw issue is genetic or not. However, to the best of my knowledge, that type of abnormality usually is not genetic. Deformities like you describe are most commonly associated with the diet of the parents or trauma to the fetus while it it developing. Some studies have even shown that antibiotic use during pregnancy can cause birth defects. If it is not genetic, it will not pass to his puppies. However, the best advice I can give you is to ask your veterinarian about the condition before you decide to breed. It is a good idea to get him an exam prior to breeding him anyway, to make sure he is in good health before you breed. Genital bacterial infections are very common, and that in itself can cause pregnancy issues. Take him for an exam and ask about the paw pad issue while you're there. If you decide to breed, there are some steps you can take to reduce the chances of birth defects or miscarriages. First, make sure neither parent has had antibiotics recently, and both parents should be on a high-quality diet at least a month prior to breeding, as this will produce the best quality sperm and eggs. Just prior to breeding, most vets will advise that you cleanse the genetalia with non-spermicidal cleanser like Excalibur Sheath Cleaner (available at livestock supply stores), so ask the vet about that. Once pregnant, the female should be eating a high quality puppy food to maintain proper vitamin levels for herself and her developing puppies, and to help promote good milk production. I hope I was able to help, good luck!