Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 3 year old boarder collie

3 year old boarder collie

19 9:23:34

i walk dogs but my boarder collie has started having lead aggression to other dogs any idlers hes fine withe the dogs i walk but has started having a go at others on the lead he meets

Hello Sam,

The website

Gives a good explanation why your dog might be aggressive toward other dogs.

Once again obedience training is the key. At the first sign of any anxious or aggressive behavior from your dog you can immediately call on an obedience command such as a down-stay to divert his/her attention. You are asking your dog to perform an alternate behavior which takes his focus and attention away from the other dog. It also changes your dogs body language to a passive, non threatening posture.

When you are in the process of eradicating on leash aggression be sure to use a suitable muzzle and do your best to avoid possible confrontations. This won't fix the problem but it's a worthwhile temporary measure.

You want your dog to believe that other dogs are no big deal rather than something to get worked up about. Another reason to not tighten up the leash is because this changes your dog's body language (makes your dog stand upright and tall). This can be seen by the other dogs as a show of dominance or at the very least threatening.

Teach your dog the obedience "look" command or "focused attention exercise". When taught correctly this exercise can be called upon anytime you require your dog to focus on you and off something else - such as an unfamiliar dog. Follow the steps on the website link I have provided on the top of the page.

Hope this helps,


If you have another question or follow up question, don't hesitate to ask. I want to help you in the best way I can.