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de-shedding tool

19 9:53:04

I have a shedding labradoodle.
A groomer advised I purchase a de-shedding tool.  She is partial to Mars but I have seen numerous options in my net search but nowhere can I find info on selecting
(1) a type (e.g. Defurminator, Mars Coat King or Mars/Laube knives or rake)or
(2) proper size e.g. number & spacing of the blades.  

Also, I'm confused whether they cut the undercoat or actually extract the shedable hair.

I'd be so greatful for help on this.  Thx

Hello Beatrice,

The Coat-King by Mars strips out a lot of hair.  It works by quickly and easily removing loose hair, especially thick under-coats. It's great when used to remove mats or for unraveling and dematting the coat. When you use it you want to place tool on coat with light pressure and comb out in the direction of hair growth. Never go against the hair growth, this will cause excessive cutting of hair. This is not a tool to be used everyday. It can cause a lot of damage to the coat and break to much hair off.  I like to use a de-shedding rake on Labradoodles that have not mats. They reduce shedding by removing the loose, dead undercoat without damaging the topcoat.  There are many to choose from but I like the FURminator brand.  For your dog, the bigger one will work just fine, it has a 4 inch edge to remove a lot at once. See here:
May I suggest you also get a rubber curry brush, these things are great to remove hair.  I shop at so you may want to look there for your tools.  They have great prices too.

Best of Luck.
Susan Potts - Pro Groomer