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Will my dog get better with time?

19 14:16:06

Hello Ms Williams. Morgan, my Boston Terrier, is 11 mo/old, she's very well loved and very seldom alone. I have read all I can about this breed, and understand (and practice) positive rewards instead of punishment to this little bundle of joy. Almost every night around 9 p.m. she gets what my vet calls "the crazies". I have not been able to find any information about this annoying problem. She transforms into a Tasmanian Devil, nipping, barking like a demon, and running like a bullet around the house, until it "wares off" and she drops and falls asleep like an angel. But it is agravating to see this creature suffering like she can't fit inside her own skin. I have "Googled"& "Yahooed" all kinds of questions, and read books but no luck finding information about "the crazies". What can I do? Please, help! Thanks a million, Elena  

Hi, Elena. Morgan reminds me a lot of my own dog when he was a puppy. He is a Jack Russel/Beagle mix, and he had similar periods of "the crazies". In fact, sometimes he still does, but it's not regular, like your case. However, from what I can tell, most puppies usually have a section of time where they have to run around like little hellions and just generally go wild, much like human children do. Usually, they outgrow this, though smaller dogs (like mine) will occasionally pick it up at odd times during the day.

If you are still having concerns, contact your vet again or locate a professional trainer in your area.

Hope this helps!