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Dogs eating Their Own Excrement

19 14:18:42


I have noticed that recently [over the past 2 weeks] our dog, a 10 month old French brittany, is eating her own poop. Is this indicative of some sort of nutritional imbalance or is she just being a "dog".
She eats once a day and gets about 2 cups of food. Some treats each day. We live in the north east, it is cold and alot of snow. We have over a foot of snow on the ground but she is still able to get around our property very well.

Any help/ suggestions/ explanations would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi Tommy;
I have never had this problem with a dog, but have gotten a lot of questions about it.
Check with your veterinarian, because for this to start up now, and not something she has always done, I would suspect a nutritional deficiency.
However, it may just be something some of them do.
I would ask the vet, to be on the safe side.