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Frothy Yellow Vomit

19 13:37:17

Hi Patti,
I have a 8 month German Shepard/Hound mix puppy that was recused at about 5 months old. For about a month now, every few mornings he's been heaving and vomitting frothy yellow stuff. I'm not sure if it's due to an empty stomach since the past few days, even after giving him his breakfast, he won't eat all of it, or even much of it. He's never been one to "save" his food; he usually scarfs it right down and has a hearty appetite. Is this a serious problem, and what could be the cause of the vomit? Thanks!

Hi Jen,

That yellow frothy stuff is bile, it just means that your dog's stomach is empty.

You got it right when you guessed that your dog is vomiting due to an empty stomach.

My own dogs have this same problem now and again. It seems to help if I give them a Milkbone, or a similar little snack just before I go to bed.

If you only feed your dog once a day, it would help if you divided his food between two feedings.

I hope that helps,
Best of luck,
