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Pudgey Pom

19 10:24:40

We got a baby Pom three years ago, and she was just as cute as a bug's ear. Well, she was being fed just everything her sweet little spoiled heart desired, and she will eat everything!  My daughter has put her on a weght maintainence diet. She was previously 15 pounds heavy,and when she sat around the house,she sat-around--the--house.
Actually she is active, plays alot, and was fed alot. I weighed her yesterday, and she is down to 11 pounds. What should she weigh? What should be our goal for her please??

Hi Trish-

You can tell if your dog is overweight by using the body conditioning scale. Here is a copy:

Make sure that you can feel her ribs through a thin layer of fat. I really can't give you an estimate of how much she should weigh without seeing her, as it depends on height and bone structure.

Good luck!