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puppy eating cactus

19 10:24:40

our new puppy was curious about our cactus plant and got too close...she got some pickers in her mouth...what should we do???  Will they hurt her if she swallows them???  We pulled some out of her muzzle...what do you think???

Dear TM,

Thank you for writing to me.  The stickers have to come out because they can not only become infected but they will continue to cause constant pain if they remain in your dog's mouth.  They can also move down to the throat and gastrointestional system.

Carefully pick out what you can and then call your vet to see if you can get an appt to have the rest removed.  He may have to use a magnifying glass to see all the tiny ones.

Put some honey on the mouth and tonue to kill any bacteria.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis