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Pit bulls

19 10:25:25

I have a 2 year old pit bull.She just had puppies about a month ago.Now her brest are real hard and red what is wrong

Hi Darius,

Redness, and hardness of your dog's nipples can mean infection called Mastitis. You need to take this seriously. Untreated, this kind of infection can lead to gangrene. Gangrene is caused by a bacteria that does not require oxygen to grow. The skin can turn black and die, leaving a huge hole that will drain pussy blood.

Please do not put off having your dog examined by your veterinarian. Mastitis can be a minor, inexpensive nuisance or a major, life threatening disease. Your dog may need antibiotic injections, oral antibiotics, or both.

Because it's a holiday, and you may not be able to get to a vet for a day or two, try to place a warm compress on the infected nipples and see if any milk or discharge will flow from it. Please watch this like a hawk and if it becomes hot, red, or black, get her to a vet right away!

Best of luck,
