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Having puppies

19 14:23:56

Hi, I'm french so i'll try to make myself clear. We have a 9 month mixed germand shepard with collie female and she just started to have her "periodes".
1st How long does it last?
2nd At what age can she have poppies?
3rd If she's old enought, how many days do we have, after her "period", for her to get .... by a male?
Thanks and sorry for my english!

Michel and Chantal

I guess my first question would be Why do you want to have puppies?  Your dog is a mixed breed and Lord knows there are plenty of those in this world. Why bring more unwanted dogs into the world. If you think you will make money, think again. It is not profitable at all...IF you do it right. Is the mom up on all her shots? German shepherds are big carriers of hip dysplysia. She should be xrayed to make sure she does not have it, before she is bred. Collies are very prone to eye problems, so she should have her eyes checked by a vet too. Are you prepared to deliver puppies? What if some are deformed, or born dead? What is mom has a difficult you know how to help her?  What happens if she needs surgery to deliver her pups?  I have had 6 litters of pups and all of these things have happened. Once the puppies are here, they are alot of work. Yes, they are fun, but they are more work then fun.
So, if I haven't talked you out of it..I hope I have.. a dog should never be bred before 2 years of age. She will come into season 2 times per year and usually is good to breed right after the blood turns from bright red to darker red or stops altogether. She will usually bleed for 1 1/2 weeks or so.  All dogs are different.
I hope you reconsider breeding her though. Breeding should be for purebred, genetically sound dogs.