Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 2 year old Havanese rescue potty habits

2 year old Havanese rescue potty habits

19 11:37:02

QUESTION: We brought Barney into our home the end of October, 2006, when he was just 18 mos old.  We had a few potty issues then, but for the most part, once I realized his signals to me were weak at best...we worked on establishing a routine that worked.  BUT - it seems that every 3-4 weeks, he decides to potty in the house - both pee and poop and always on carpeting!  Last night, he had several wee piles of loose stool waiting for me - he head jumped down off of our bed (we allowed him this priviledge 3-4 weeks ago) and by the time I realized he was down and got up to bring him back, he had done his duty in another room.  I placed him in his crate and after about 30 min of hearing him move about, I took him outside where he had diarrhea.  My problem - I know!  But, can you offer any thoughts on why if he knows to go outside most of the time, he doesn't do it all of the time?  What am I missing here?  We are both retired and home most all of the we take him out often during the day (every 2-3 hours)...his feeding schedule has changed a bit due to suggestions from our obedience trainer...leave food down for only 30 minutes and then offer again for the evening meal...instead of allowing him to eat when he is hungry...also feeding him dry food in the morning and adding half a can/package of Caesar's food with his dry...trying to get his daily 2-3 poops down to 2.  I would welcome any insight you might have...thanks.  This is our first wee dog and we have never had this problem with any of our goldens.

ANSWER: hello well it sounds like you know how to crate train but i see several no-no's. First of all, do not let the dog on the furniture...second of all, do not use the crate as a punishment. you said you put him in the crate after he did his duty This needs to be a place he stays until he is completely without accident for about 1 month straight. Also keep in mind that if it is a male they tend to go back if they can smell it...use a 50/50 blend of white vinegar and is the ONLY thing a dog can not smell his stuff through. Hope that helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It was 3:30 a.m. and I didn't know where else to put him after he had his living room poops!  Also, what about the food issues...amount, timing of feeding etc.?  Thanks, again!

Hello again. ok well first of all, if he pooped, you should be safe for a while and not have to lock him up. Feed him in the morning and 6 pm ish...leave the food down for 20 minutes only so he learns to eat when it is down. then start taking him out every ten minutes or so starting twenty minutes after he finishes eating. you can put him in the crate until he goes in between. thanks