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Pad training for an older dog

19 9:24:25

I have a 14 year old Sheba Inu who is now having difficulties going outside. Over the last few months, with the weather getting colder, it has been a real challenge. His health is an issue. He has a hard time getting up and now hates the cold. needless to say, we have had messes.
can he still be trained to use puppy pads? And if so, can you please provide some suggestions for training?

Hi Angela,

Thank you for writing to me.  I apologize for the delay and hope that I can be of help with your 14 year old.

I would first recommend that your Sheba Inu be given a full medical workup, including blood work to determine if there is a medical problem that could be supported with medication.

If he has arthritis which is exaccerbated by the cold, be sure that he wears a very warm sweater when he is taken outside.  

Including fish oil in his food can be helpful for his joints as well as a product like Cosaquin for joint pain.  There is a lot of opportunity for stem cell treatment for painful joints now.  I know several vets using it with a lot of success.

Acupuncture is also very successful for arthritis.  

As far as pad or paper training, if you can block off an area for your dog, put the pads or paper all over the floor so that every area is covered.  Your dog will go on the paper naturally when he cannot hold it.  If you see him going, praise him and give a treat...just like puppy housebreaking.  Slowly deminish the area that is covered by the pads or paper to just a small section.  He should naturally go on that spot.