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My dog is not eating.

19 11:32:03

I have a terrier mix, appx two years old. I've owned him since he was about three months. Over the past six months he has been periodically not eating and I am seriously worried about him. I am feeding him the same food I have always fed him, kibble mixed with a moist food. However, lately he is not interested. He seems to be uninterested and sometimes scared to eat. He has emotional problems as he was a street dog when I found him. I have tried changing his food repeatedly but the same thing happens. The only food he is interested in is meat...chicken or steak and only if I feed him. This is not natural and as I understand it not healthy. If I feed him a diet of just meat he gets diarrhea. In all other respects he is acting normal. This non-eating thing just isn't normal.

I've had him at the vet a number of times. He is in perfect health.

Any advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

My one dog does the same thing-every now and then she refuse to eat her food,but I find hand feeding her helps during those periods,but most of the time she just gets over it

I know it is tempting to give your dog something else,but in reality it only makes the problem worse and they will often refuse there own food if they know they will get something else

So you can try hand feeding him for a while and if that doesn't work just leave the food down for 20 minutes and lift it if he doesn't eat it-even if he loses a little bit of weight,unlike cats he will not starve himself to death dogs usually get really too hungry after about three days and will eat(after only three days he will not lose weight)

One more thing,some dogs don't like the taste of metal so sometimes changing the bowl to plastic or ceramic will help