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elderly dog starting to pee and poop in the house

19 11:00:29

I have a dog that is going to be 17 in a couple of months. She is a mixed breed dog that is about 55 pounds. She  has been on medication for about a year to keep her from urinating without knowing it. Example, she use to lay down and when she stood up she would leave a little pee. I got another dog about 6 months ago. When I got the new dog, I all of a sudden started to have pee and poop all over the hose. I thought it was the new dog that was doing it, but, then I caught my older dog peeing on the floor and my son caught her pooping in the house. I now realized that she is the one peeing and pooping on the floor and not the new dog. About two months ago my older dog was also put on a new medication because her liver is not functioning properly. She is very old. I am not sure if she is doing this because of the new dog or if it has something to do with the new liver issue, but, I need it to stop.

I realize that she is sickly, but, she is not in pain and still wants to play. I refuse to put her down no matter what. However, my house is starting to smell like urine all the time and I can't seem to be able to get rid of the smell no matter what I do. The smell makes me sick to my stomach.
What can you suggest to stop the older dog from doing her business in the house. WHAT CAN I DO?

She is probably incontinent,but one thing you can do that helps is to use a doggie diaper and they are made for things like this,and that way she won't stink up the house

It may also be medical,and it might be a good idea to speak to your vet about this new problem as well