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concerned about dog nipples

19 9:44:56

QUESTION: my mini pinscher has just finished her first heat and we have noticed that the area around her nipples appear to be bruised and engorged do you have any idea what could be causing this or is it normal? also my chihuahua is on her second heat and im starting to get concerned as her privates have never completely lost the swelling from the first heat what can i do

Hi Barbara,

Unspayed dogs who have heat cycles don't ever go back to the way they appeared prior to having a heat cycle. With each heat cycle the nipples and vulva will become a bit larger.

If you are concerned though, either talk to your dogs or have your vet examine your dogs. It's worth it for your peace of mind.

Best of luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: is it normal however for the area around the nipples to be bruised? or what could be causing the bruising?


Hi Barbara,

The nipple can be slightly swollen and pinkish after a heat cycle - this is normal.

Purple, bruised-like nipple areas around the nipples can be a sign of a medical condition, such as an infection in her mammary glands, especially if the nipples appear to be swollen or painful. You shouldn't put off having your dog examined by your veterinarian to rule out the possibility of an infection.

I hope that helps.