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11/2 year old dachsund and housebreaking

19 11:39:13

My son recently moved back home with his 1 1/2 year old female dachsund. She is a great dog and a joy except she will not poop outside. She will pee and let us know she needs to go but will then come inside and poop in the same area each time. I watch her and take her out regularly. No luck and she repeats the behavior. I have kept her on a leash inside and as soon as she is off for anytime, there she goes! I need help!

Faith, the first thing you need to do is thoroughly clean the area that the dog keeps going to the bathroom in, with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle. This will remove all traces of the odor. Dachshunds are notorious for being difficult, and sometimes impossible, to housebreak. When you take her out to pee, walk around with her and do not go back in until she has pooped. If she doesn't poop within 5-10 minutes, go back in with her, and keep her next to you on the leash, so that IF she does try to go, you can whisk her back outside. Wait 5-10 minutes after you bring her in (if she does not try to poop inside during that time, of course), and take her back out. Repeat until she poops outside, and praise praise praise her when she does!