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temperment of my dog

19 11:39:07

I adopted a puppy and was told it was a poodle and shitzu mix.  I researched and thought it would be a good match.  When I got her (at 10 weeks) her hair was light and fluffy and not much of it.  My vet thinks she may be a wire haired terrier/poodle.  What temperment can I expect?  She has been very very attached to me. and me only.  But tonight she got all wound up and was trying to bite me.  Hard.  I have signed her up for training classes.  But I have a 5 year old and don't want him hurt.  I know nothing about this particular mix breed.  She is now 12 weeks old) and Iuses her puppy pads half the time.  Also, the neighbor boy was babysitting and he fell on her and broke her arm so I am supposed to be keeping her calm.  Ha!  Any suggestions or advice on what to expect with size, temperment and intelligence.  Again she is now 13 weeks old, actually, and weighs all of 5 pounds.

Thank You so much! Kimberly

Hi Kimberly;
Temperment is onle a small factor.
Where temperment matters more is in whether or not the dog is needed for herding ability or hunting etc.
Generally, the dog isa going to grow up the way it is raised, just like children do.
Training is what matters most.
Reading about the breed characteristics and temperament is just a guideline. Each dog is going to have their own personality.
With a mixed breed, the size can sometimes be quite a surprise.
It sounds like she is mostly a small dog, so I don't think you have to be concerned she is going to be too huge.
I don't know how ou would go about keeping a 12 week old puppy inactive. Hard to do, all you can do is try, and to see to it nobody engages her in romping.
I can't imagine why someone would fall on her. This doesn't sound like someione you should allow to keep your dog again. If he was baby sitting your child, you should look again at the wisdom of this. there must have been some rough horseplay that could have gotten your child hurt.
I'm surprised she wasn't killed instead of just having a leg broken.
The training class is very good. I m assuming this is puppy clas, at her age.
at that age, I don't pay much attention to formal training ( leash training)
I just teach housebreak, don't bite, and things like that.