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my dogs behavior

19 9:22:53

QUESTION: i have a 3 month old German Shepherd, which i bought a week ago. since i got him, he has been sitting around in the backyard, avoiding everybody. i try to pet him but he runs away from me. I've tried to walk him but when i pull him by his leash, he squats down and pulls himself back. is there anything i can do to make him feel more welcome or is this a natural behavior for a 3 month old German Shepherd?

ANSWER: This is normal for a Shepherd,  They are extremely timid sometimes, BUT  make sure he is feeling Okay.  Has he been checked by a vet?
If that has been done, here is what you do.

Spoil him with treats (just in the beginning)

Put a leash on him and sit with him and gently pet or brush him.

Start teaching him commands such as sit, down, come.  never punish if he doesn't get it right, a shepherd wants to do well, he is already upset if he didn't get it.

Put the leash on him and let him take you for a walk. (go where he walks)

He should be fed three times a day

Take him to puppy school so he can see other puppies and how they act around people.

Have other people feed him treats all the time so he becomes unafraid (you do not want a fear biter)  he will still become a good watch dog even though you do this.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i haven't taken him to the vet yet. the people who sold him to me said it wasn't necessary until the following month. do you think i should take him?


Just make sure he is eating well.  He should have a lot of interest in his food.

Also make sure he is not drinking excessively.  Normal would be several times a day.  If you are constantly filling up bowls that could be a symptom of something like a urinary track infection.  He would just be drinking and drinking all the time.  
No runny stool, and no vomiting, either.

So if all the above is in line feel free to go ahead with training