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training 8 week old puppies

19 13:59:57

He can be found online, I've just watched a few clips.  He's on the national geographic channel, but you can go to the national geographic channel website, type dog whisperer and see his clips to inform yourself of his techniques.
If you get netflix or go to blockbuster, you can get the entire season of shows to judge for yourself, that way you know what these folks have seen him doing.

Hi Amy;
I watched a couple of videos on his site. I will go and watch more.
with the grabbing the mouth and shaking it, if you do that with a firm "NO!, No biting !"
It would probably work.
when I shake my dos' mouths, i am making baby talk and play sounds. So.
Best I back up some.
The main thing is, YOU have to be the alpha, and the dog has to recognize this and respect YOU as the rule maker.

I will always say, raising animals as family pets is just l;ikjt raising 2 legged children.
They all need, instruction, rules, and someone loving and patient but firm to emforce them.
That is what makes children feel safe and secure, and what makes the pet feel that way.
Even though the pet also sees themselves as the guard and protectr of the family, they still need to know they have boundaries, and someone who will see they don't overstep those boundaries.
As the pets get older, and mature, they know the rules, then they sort of become c0-parents with you, but they still respect your authority, and they still look to you for security.
Same psychologies that work on children work on animals too.
I watched one where the woman had a dog and a pig, and he told her "Same thing for the pig. they have to know that you are in control".
That is true, not matter what kind of pet yu are raising ( I certainly DON'T recommend exotic pets that have not been domesticated for generations) they are not totally of that species anymore. they have to live in a human world, under human circumstances, so they have to be taught how to adapt.
I will tell you from experience, it is a LOT easier to teach a puppy to stop biting than it is to teach a child, if they start that.LOl