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My dogs may have consumed rat poison

19 11:16:27

I had left over rat poison that I kept on my washing machine under the counter and i just noticed a few hours ago that the remains are completely gone.  I don't know if i should try to make them puke to see if they did consume any of the poison or not?

If it's gone, they probably ate it. Don't make them vomit go NOW to your vet, emergency clinic or whatever is available. If you don't treat them pretty quickly after they've ingested it, you can be in for serious trouble. Check their gums for bleeding and any other signs of poisoning but don't waste time with waiting for symptoms, go in now while you still have a chance to save your dogs. Better safe than sorry. If they did NOT ingest the poison your vet can ascertain that. It's not something you want to hang around and wonder about. If it's gone chances are somebody ate it